Stone # 27

fairy tales don’t always have happy endings…


I’m taking part in the January 2012 River of Stones.

For more Stones see My Small Stones



  1. This is a nice looking Piglet Jo 🙂 😉

    Hey I just noticed your Question on Goth…

    Right now you have got me there Jo, I simply side-stepped MC’s question
    but now that you have also asked I will have to take a guess, I believe it was
    sometime around the 1960′s or early 1970′s but it could be earlier or even a
    tad later I am not sure, but the Goths go way back to the Roman Empire so
    your guess is as good as mine my fine and wicked friend 🙂 😉

    Androgoth XX


  2. LOL…I saw on the news today that the average age of a first time home owner in Britain is around 38 and in 20 or so years that age will be 50. Sad.


  3. You know, I can’t decide which is scarier…that there is a pig holding the sign and people are supposed to trust him, or that the sign itself has dry-erasable variables…O_o

    The commercial was cute though!


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