Art for art’s sake.

How can you not love art when it includes wonders such as these ??

Any idea what this is made from ???

Dutch artist Florentjin Hofman designed this sculpture in São Paulo Park, Brazil.

Students who were involved in the project named the sculpture “Fat Monkey”

It was put together for Pixelshow’s 2010 conference. The conference shows off art that has a pixellated look.

Fat Monkey’s body was constructed with flip flops because flip flops are a long-standing trademark of Brazil. In New Zealand we call them jandals, while in Australia they are known as thongs.

10,000 were use to put Fat Monkey together.

And now for some Australian ingenuity in the art world.

At the 2009 ‘The Rocks Aroma Festival’ in Sydney, Australia, part of a city street was turned in to one of the most famous faces in the world.

This rendition of the Mona Lisa measured six metres by four metres.

It was made from 3,604 cups of coffee with around 265 liters of milk. Lattes, long blacks, and flat whites were used to get the different tones. It took a team of eight just three hours to complete this work of art.

Thank goodness there are people out there who come up with these ideas !!!


  1. The creativity of people never ceases to amaze me, as a coffee lover that Mona Lisa was awesome! I saw something similar, but it was created with roasted coffee beans


  2. Wow, this is so awesome. I would never have guessed flip flops. How ingenious! Love the Mona Lisa too. So amazing what some people come up with. 😉


          1. I am going to try to make a bowl out of an old record…saw it a while ago…maybe that’s what drew me to her in the first place.

            When I make mine I will put it up here…


          2. That is an incentive to go out and finally buy the recors to do it !!! I have heaps here but can’t bring myself to do it to one that is part of my youth.


    1. I thought so to Gilly. Isn’t art wonderful. Found this as well. Maybe you have heard of him. Tom Hill, a 26 year-old self-taught sculptor has been working for the last few years with recycled horseshoes to create life-size animal sculptures.


    1. Isn’t it Sue ? Honestly it took me a while to work out what they were made from as well. Hope you are having a good weekend dear lady !


  3. Amazing stuff!! Thanks for sharing these, Jo.
    BTW…I love how you took several photos of Fat Monkey and got us closer and closer…


    1. So glad you like them but I can’t take credit for these photos. They actually came to me in an e-mail. Exactly as I put them up. Took a bit of work though to find out where it was and what it was done for.


  4. What a great post!!! I also loved the pics in all the comments! Creativity can really help to change your perception of everyday items! 🙂


  5. I wish at times that I could think slightly further outside of the box, Jo. I like to think that I’m ‘creative’, but when I see things like this I realise just how un-creative I actually am. I mean, what makes you think of creating a monkey out of flip-flops in the first place? they are very good, though.
    I’m now off to explore my creative side…


    1. I know that I wondered how it is you come up with such an idea…but even more so…how you make it work. Creativity takes many forms though Tom…ours just takes us in a different direction.


  6. I notice that on the first image that everyone is taking photographs from head to toe, I wonder if he is without his undies the way around? 😉 lol Yes rude 🙂 lmao

    Have a super day Jo 🙂 😉

    Androgoth XXx


        1. Have a wonderful time today Jo and
          good luck with all your photograph’s 🙂

          Androgoth XXx


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