Random moments of mine in Africa

These are some of my moments in Africa.

Most are self-explanatory.

Some not.

Some not worth trying to explain.

These are the places I walked upon.

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  1. SO much adventure. Or should I say an adventerous expedition? Never had I heard of doing that trick in the sand before. It looked so real.


    1. We were stuck at that beach for a few weeks trying to arrange to get into Nigeria. Sometimes I actually got bored. You have no idea where my mind goes when boredom stikes…hehehehehehe


          1. No need to up the ratings, just send those thoughts and ideas straight to your friendly Pirate ship, I won’t tell anyone, cross my sabres. 🙂

            Of course, if you ever do decide to up your rating, feel free to use this quote at the top of your pages
            “At Jo Bryant’s Blog, we’ve upped our ratings, up yours”


  2. Dear Jo: WoW! This does look like a super time in Africa! Particularly love the Dianne Fosey look with the gorillas. What was this group all about? Looks like the Peace Corps, Anthropologists or some kind of research group?. It doesn’t look as crazy wild as I thought, living on the outback as a hippie-child. Sort of looks like my time-frame late 7o’s early 80’s? it looks to me to be a very wonderful time had by all! Reminds me of a geography field trip…what exactly were you doing there? Looks incredibly fun! Great pics by the way!:)


    1. Thanks – it was a great trip. No expedition – just a bunch of randoms from all over the world driving from Jo’berg supposedly to London. 1984. However we hit a snag and only got as far as Cameroon – had to fly out via Libya/Poland/Russia. So glad you enjoyed the piccys – I certainly enjoyed being there to take them.


    1. Well Toni – it seems silly after all these years to not put a photo up simply because he is in it. We did have some good times, so I guess I feel I should try to remember that these days. That also helps me look at it as not a waste of time anymore. I am doing a lot of letting go these days – especially of the bad stuff. Life is too damn short to hold grudges – and I’m the one that is affected by the anger – not W…


    1. And I am very happy to share them – it was an amazing time. I had waited 24 years to get my feet on to African soil. And it was better than I had hoped. There is a magic in that land that sings to me – I hope one day to go back.


    1. It what a trip of a lifetime – if only to see the gorillas. I wrote a post about them.
      We were so lucky. We camped for days at the park as only 6 could go looking for them each day. The ones that went before us, although they found them, were far away due to bad weather. The day we went up – a piece of magic happened. The little one in the photos was so close he stroked my hair.
      Sadly – I heard years later – the silverback “Mrithi” was killed by soldiers during the terrible conflict that occurred in Rwanda. He was only 24 and should have lived until in his 40’s.
      I shall never forget the moment I saw him. He was standing side on, and the power – the sheer bulk of him just a few feet away – it is almost indescribable.


  3. Those are fabulous. Yes. Trip of a lifetime. I was going to ask the year, but saw it in the comments. Oh, to be young and adventurous and have the means to go on those adventures.


  4. Awsome Jo, I agree with the others that it must have been amazing. Such great photos and very interesting to ‘look back’ it gives a real sense of time and progress. I laughed at the photos in the sand – very clever! I loved all the pics, what a fab story and you looked so involved with everyone…


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