Another Wordless Wednesday…

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    1. It is something I have just started to get interested in. That and moving water shots. So much fun…so many bad shots but when you get one good one…what a buzz.


    1. Thanks Sylvia. Water is taking over me at the moment. i love trying to get good shots at it…and working out why ones didn’t work.


    1. Thank you Madhu…yes it is a hibiscus from my back garden. Not many of them left as we head to winter but this one was too pretty to not try and capture. In the depths of winter as I sit huddled by the fire I figure it might add some cheer.


        1. Hehehehe.
          I am just getting started on this water thingee. OMG…you should see what some people achieve. Check this out:

          Droplets on flowers

          Scroll down…you will be absolutely gobsmacked by some of them.


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