Trying some new stuff.

So today I finally tried my hand at something new in photography. It needs work. But I am pretty happy for a first attempt. It is today’s self-portrait for my 365 project. I would love to hear what you think ??

Multiplicity Photo


  1. Fantastic! What do you mean it needs work? I can’t see any ‘joins’. So, you shot in RAW, with a blank sofa and the three different poses and then bundled them? Like they do in the movies with the green?


    1. Thanks Meredith. There is one place where I got it wrong. I needed to place one of me further down. I cheated and chopped off the feet otherwise you could see my feet floating in mid air when they should have been on the ground. No it was just a jpeg. I put the camera on a tripod…had a remote…shot me in three different places and cut out two of me…the one leaning on the back of the sofa and the one on the left and dropped them into the photo with me on the right. I got hold of an old version of photoshop that they have for free now for XP…and gave it a try. I want to try it again. With more than three. Maybe at a playground…in a tree…something different at least.


          1. LOL! Nothing scary about it. I might just summon up the guts and try it myself. Now THAT is one hell of a scary thought! hehehe


          2. I know. I have a friend in Winnipeg Manitoba that did the same but hell, I am not as gorgeous as the 2 of you hon, so yeah…it will take some time. LOL! I do have a tripod. πŸ™‚


          3. Oh pish tosh to that…you are so gorgeous. You do need the tripod…cause the rest has to stay perfectly still. I was glad I didn’t mess up the cushions…thought about that later…silly me.


          4. LOL! Glad you think so. You did it really great sweetie. I love everything about the photo. πŸ™‚


          5. Awww…thanks again. Now go give it a try.
            I am going to take myself off to bed now. It has been a long day…taking this photo, editing it, CAPITOL LETTERING at the stupid Minister.
            Oh yeah, and I stacked a whole bunch of firewood with a girlfriend. That’s how you tell the good ones. They come and help you stack firewood…among other things.


          6. I will, after I’m finished with that tutorial for you but first I have to start my day and get off my butt and start cleaning the house. LOL! You must have a good rest, sleep well and yeah, that must be real fun having a great friend like that. Enjoy sweetie! *hugs*


          7. I try…*hugs* to you too…enjoy he cleaning. Turn the stereo up and dance while you are at it. That’s what I do. The neighbours peer over the fence just to check I haven’t completely lost it…the fur babies hide…but I have a good time.


          8. Whahahahha! Thought I was the only one who did that. The neighbours here knows I have completely lost it but as I am the QB around here, they are too scared to say anything…:P


          9. Whahahaha! Thanks sweetie but I am when it comes to people abusing nature, animals, little kids and elderly people. I freak out immediately and that is how the lot here knows me and I prefer it that way. πŸ™‚


          10. Oh, you would be surprised at how many people just turn their heads and have that attitude of : “Oh, it’s not my problem.” Seriously! Not everyone feels the same way as we do hon. πŸ™‚


    1. Thanks Marianne. I always wanted to try this. And with Photoshop it looked easier than with GIMP so when I saw that you can now get an older version of it for free I thought ‘what the heck’…


        1. Of course I will share it.
          Photoshop CS2

          It is down the bottom of the page.

          Forget what is written on top…they came out last Christmas saying anyone could have it…but I can’t find that page anymore…though I did read it at the time on the site somewhere.


  2. WOW! You did an excellent job. I wish I could do that. You have inspired me to try it. I have PhotoShop but don’t know how to use it beyond the simple editing. Getting out the book now.



    1. There is a link to a video Francine in my conversation with Sonel…it makes it easy to understand. If you have a later version of Photoshop [I have CS2], there are lots of great tutorial videos on youtube that are easy to grasp.


  3. Brilliant. I was going to do one of those with my son around a chair, but I had moved the camera a fraction on one of them so it didn’t work.


    1. Yep…you can’t move the camera at all. Luckily I had a tripod and a remote…so I never needed to touch the camera. You should try again Alistair…I would love to see what you come up with.


          1. Make you admire the photographers in ‘yon olden days’ a lot doesn’t it. they did all this without any of the gadgets…and straight on film. WOW…they really were something else.


    1. You can use French anytime you want Gemma !
      From Adobe. It is the old version. CS2 and with a serial key from them. I can’t remember exactly but I think you go to their website…and downloads. Or maybe photoshop. I’d look it up for you but at the moment I am having huge computer issues and think myself lucky if I can get on MY website these days.
      Hang on…I think I found it: Photoshop CS2
      Don’t worry about what is written up top…apparently last Christmas they just decided anyone could have it, just haven’t changed the wording. Anywho…the download link is down toward the bottom of the page…and so is the serial key.


  4. I LOVE this. It makes me feel like you finally have the support you have always deserved. From your dearest friends. Funny…they happen to also be you. Isn’t that the depth of love/support we always wish we had? You know…it’s really a profound photo, Jo. Poem??


    1. What a wonderful insight you have Brynne…it is perfect and says so much. Yes I think there will come a poem now that you have made me look at this again. I actually only took it as a trial at first. I liked the light and the composition a lot in it, but you have made me look at it and discover so much more.


  5. Jo,
    This is a wonderful photo, I can’t wait to see where you take this technique in the future.

    I also like the new featured image – a lot!



    1. Thanks Allan. What a lovely comment !!!! I was thinking…yep I do do that at times. There are so many possibilities. So glad you like the featured image too…it is one of my favourite shots.


    1. Thanks Amy. It is weird. When I go in to my comments page…this comment doesn’t show up at all. But when I come to this blog post …there it is. I hope I haven’t missed other comments like this.


  6. I like how you’ve done this, Jo. The you on the left could be just a tad lower, in my opinion, and perhaps the you who is lounging back could hold a magazine or something that the other two could be looking at… but they’re just suggestions really! Well done. I’d love to be able to cut out images from photos like that. You’re becoming a great image enhancer!


    1. You are so right. I actually had to cut the bottom of this photo off because you could see my feet floating in mid air. I wasn’t going to post it…it was just a trial to see if I could get it right. But I figured I may as well. I mean if I can do this in one attempt…anyone can. Hopefully I will get better at it as I go along. I want to try this setting again but with me in different clothes. I also want to try an outdoor setting which comes with a whole other set of problems to conquer.


  7. This is GREAT! Reminds me of that movie, “Multiplicity” – you could clone yourself and have your clones do all the housework and such while you became a woman of leisure. πŸ˜€


  8. You really pulled off a great experiment Jo . Fantastic πŸ™‚
    Isn’t it wonderful what we can do nowadays with our pictures for art, fun, joy, or just for the sheer hell of it all πŸ™‚
    Look forward to more ….


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