CBBH Photo Challenge: PAIRS

So I have been playing with my new macro lens and trying to teach myself how to make it work. A friend gave me these beautiful poppies the other day, and I thought they would make great test subjects.

yellow poppies

white poppies

red poppies

Now might be a good time to head over to Marianne’s and check out some more CBBH Photo Challenge: PAIRS

Conejo BlancoOops…I have to do an edit here. I forgot to mention two blogs, so here goes.


    1. I dragged a jacket out of Jess’s closet [yes I still have a closet for her and Den…full of stuff], and hung it on a chair for the background. So glad you liked it Miss Toni !!!!


  1. Awesome photographs. You are up there with Robert Maplethorpe! He did some riské stuff but he made his name photographing lilies and such. Are you familiar with Maplethorpe?


  2. You know and we know, and you know that we know, that you need not practice for a macro lens. 😀 You see, your air-quote practice shots are already there.


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