Travel Theme: Multiples


Succulent B & WAilsa’s Travel Theme: Multiples


    1. Nope – not a macro. Just a regular shot. It is a cool plant so I couldn’t not try and take a photo of it. And Gilly will probably tell me off for NOT knowing what it is..but again…it is NOT my plant.


  1. I’m always taking photos of plants that look cool, but I don’t know their names. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet. LOL Great photo in keeping with the theme.


  2. Okay. I simply had to go try and find out what kind of plant it is. I think Gilly is right and it is either a Yucca baccata, Yucca filifera or an agave filifera. The spikes look pretty thin, so it’s probably one of the yuccas. I did learn that those little white squiggly things are called filifers. 🙂 Filifer filifer filifer – fun to say lol. So hey, I learned something new. Thanks, Jo!


      1. But…but…We don’t have many Yuccas around here, due to our climate in winter (although there are a few here and there) and the only agaves I have ever seen are on the interwebs. But I’ll see if I can find out for sure for you.


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