Travel Theme: Art

If you Google the definition of ART, this is what pops up in the number one spot.

  1. The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture,…: “the art of the Renaissance”
  2. Works produced by such skill and imagination.
craft – skill – artifice – science – workmanship – knack

When I think of art I think of the individuality that abounds in every piece.

Just like the individuality that was evident in this glorious example I found wandering the streets of Tauranga one day.





Ailsa over at Where’s my backpack thought up this great theme this week. Head over to her blog and check out the other interpretations of ART.


And seeing as it fits with the Fleeting Moments street photography theme…I’m popping it in there too !!!


For a blog totally focused on Vespas: Check out ROXYVESPA

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  1. Excellent – you can’t get much more individual than that – I love the writing on the side – pimped by Grace, Alex & Izzy. 🙂


      1. Go for it! I’ll have to post a VW bug I captured the other day. Bright pink, flowers, the works! I’ll be waiting to see what you’ve done. I’m counting on you. 🙂


  2. COOL! I love this kind of art. I’m glad you found this and shared in Travel Theme challenge. Way to go.



          1. Can relate to that! When I discovered my water lily had a bud there was a droplet of dew sliding off the tip of a leaf nearby and was amazed that I managed to capture it!


    1. Glad you think so Gilly !!!
      No – never thought to take one. Shame really. The wheels became flowers and we painted a face around the grill and lights.


  3. This one looks rather wickedly painted to me Jo
    and has a bit of everything added, but even though
    it has an unusual blend of artistic ideas, i still kind
    of like it don’t you my great friend? 🙂 😉 lol

    Androgoth XXx


      1. Hey I have a treat waiting for you on my leading page, well not just for you but I am sure that you will enjoy your Space hopping 🙂 Catch you soon Jo 😉

        Androgoth XXx


  4. Have a lovely Friday Jo
    I hope that you are very
    well and being good 😉 🙂

    Androgoth XXx


      1. You need a man-slave that will do anything that you want 🙂 Yes anything at all 😉 lmao Hey lol

        Get well next or I will send in the Zombies 🙂

        Androgoth XXx


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