Stone # 2

the meat falls from the drumstick

as it rises to his mouth

more than my food

is fed to him

at this table



Stone # 1

Stone # 3

Stone # 4

Stone # 5

Stone # 6

Stone # 7

Stone # 8

Stone # 9

Stone # 10

Stone # 11

Stone # 12

Stone # 13

Stone # 14

Stone # 15

Stone # 16

Stone # 17

Stone # 18

Stone # 19



          1. He is isn’t he Gilly – sailor sons are so lovely. He just went home yesterday and I miss him already. 😦
            So – time to put a piccy up of your handsome lad isn’t it…so we can all ohhhhh and ahhhhhhh over him.


  1. Your son is quite handsome. Apples don’t fall far from the tree. I am enjoying your haiku-esque poems. Poems should be brief. They should crystalize language to the fewest words possible to convey a message, thought, idea… Thank you! You’ve been very busy.


    1. He is very handsome !! And I love the ‘apples/tree’ compliment – though I think it is a bit of a sore point with him being compared to Mum…hehe


  2. A very nice entry my great friend,
    and i trust that this is your son? 🙂
    I can now see the concept of your
    stones a day challenge 🙂

    Androgoth XXx


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