Pokey bends the world to suit

The Maiden’s Song


she watches the sky

not for the stars – for the chocolate syrup they swim in,

in a graveyard

the rough stonework comforts her as she lays her cheeks

seeking their chill.

clothed in the black cloth of love’s embrace

over a pastel dress

she sings as

she accepts the kiss of a meat tenderizer,

cattails hold tightly her hands

lest they lose her Human Touch

as it hums from under a Scotsman’s kilt

and works the warm earth for its bounty,

the slap of a beaver tail,

a bruise from a Bo,

blue cloud dragons,

tattoos of a pirate life,

viewing the world through an octopus’ eyes,

pieces of her rubik’s cube

kept jumbled on purpose,

a skipper of stones

her ripples turn my mountains

into paintings…


This poem came to me after a comment on my blog.

It is meant as a tribute to someone I admire and want to walk through graveyards with.

She enriches my being.


And though I no longer hear her song as clearly,

I know it’s still out there: Nullibicity


  1. Big smiles and belly laughs, with a bit of OMG is this what I look like? Bless your heart dear Jo. I love the line that says, The Rubik’s cube is kept jumbled on purpose, how well you understand. No wait… I love the dark over the pastel. BIG HUGS and skipping, I love it all. My long awaited birthday poem. 🙂


          1. Well Im gonna hang it by my computer. Its not every day someone writes me a poem. 🙂 Where else should I put it? Do you have a suggestion? I could make wallpaper for my living room like the girl in the rock opera Tommy did, but then I’ll have to take down all those pictures of the people I stalk. heheheheh Im having a nutty day.


          2. Oh you are ? I thought that was normal for our maiden !!!
            Computer sounds good – I like that – me hanging over you as you work away – hehehe
            Just curious – did you like the piccy ??
            This is how it started of…


  2. wow, the original is so different! Here is what I see in the first one (not the original) The very first thing I noticed was the spirit bus which had broke down amidst a grave yard. It’s there on the left, the essence of the stories of both grave yards and Africa. Then on the right I am not too sure but it could be a red tent, like a lean-to perhaps it exists for travelers who venture forth. In the sky are two suns, one is yellow and one is blue. But I like best, the white aura of the mountain. It is the most unique aspect of the picture. That aura is you.
    Im glad I saw the original, I had tried to figure out if it was in fact a bus behind that blurr. Now I know. 🙂

    Also in the picture the water has become the sky and the earth/sand? has become the water. A cool topsy turvy effect.


    1. Wow – you see a lot – I had to keep checking back and checking it out – I’m a white mountain aura – so cool. Might have to change my name now !!


    1. I love what you see – this is my art – seeing as I can NOT paint etc…
      I play with photos and have so much fun – but it is uber keeewwwlllllll to hear what you see – a spirit bus – WOW – I like that – a lot !!
      A spirit bus on Mt Kilimanjaro.


      1. anytime. It is so fun for me. In real life, I often have to keep reminding myself not to say all the things I think and picture, But with you I can say anything I think, I love that. Your never caught off guard. It must be you have had lots of practice with your own nutty posse. 🙂


        1. Ummm…you do realise EVERYONE who comes by can read this don’t you ?
          Nutty posse – the kids, the beasts, or the gang ? Oh – or do you mean the rabid brain cells that race about inside my head – trying to escape all the craziness in there…


          1. Yeah, but I can say you evily influenced me. Im just a young impressionable mind. hahahah, I have been laughing non-stop for 5 minutes now. Its annoying the people in the house who are trying to watch Supernatural with headphones on.


          2. Hehehehehehe…although I have to say were it me watching TBs, I too would be irritated. You do need to concentrate when TBs are about and fighting evil. Just found out one of TBs is getting married in season 7. WTF ????????????
            I want season 7 – I hate being behind everyone else – it’s not right…no it’s not !!


          3. It’s not season 7. In this episode my sweety says to tell you Sam just said in a sing song voice, “My daddy shot your daddy in the head.” He says Sam is possesed? Name that episode. tick,tock,tick,tocktick,tock


          4. Season 2 – Born Under A Bad Sign – sorry lost my internet connection for a time there.
            But I meant the season that is showing on TV now in the States. One of TBs get married.


          5. of course! Your prize is the animated gif of your choice. On account of you are the only person here who knows how to post animated gifs. haha


      2. I cant read this comment without Roger Daltry in my head singing, Spirit bus…spirit bus (you know the chorus).


          1. well just call that a buried in the sand without a head moment, shall we?

            What are you saying, you have a cute nose. He Irish right? ok maybe some of those pictures have big snozzes. but they look pretty good for all that. Fits them. Now once on a bus I DID see a guy who had a nose exactly like a proboscis monkey. It was hard not to stare, poor dude.


          2. Trouble is I know where my nose is going – it’s the family nose – and I have seen the older version of it – not good – not good at all.
            Who’s Irish ? Not Daltrey – he was born in London.


          3. If you need inspiration, make sure to check my blog in a few moments. I rounded up a posse of my own to accompany your posse on our time travel trip.


    1. Wow – love to hear that sort of thing !!
      Umm – the poem or the pic ?
      Sorry – brain cells don’t work properly anymore after a youth of debauchery…hehehehe


  3. Re: getting married. Im sure it will have a hum dinger of a plot twist. The TBs cant get tied down, nuh uh.
    and that other comment which appears to float unattached was said in response to the spirit bus of kilamanjaro.


    1. Yep – I think it will be – a twist that is – but why oh why do I have to wait so long to find out – oh cruel world – why do you forsake me ???????????????????


      1. well if he has wings to go witht he dress, its settled. He will be marrying Dean. Seeing as Dean has a thing with winged flying things. Im not on top of the most recent stories. Though I love supernatural.


  4. hahaha Dean looks disturbed by my laughter too. That is Dean, right? Or is it that you have woke him up yet again and never let him sleep. wait, I know, He is demonstrating the look on your face when the cat opens the sliding window in winter at 3 am.


  5. I thought at first that the beautiful picture was a water colour – really lovely. I really like all the imagery in the poem too – especially the ‘chocolate syrup’, and your description of inspiration in the final lines. I enjoyed the discussion it set off too!


    1. Thank you – I love hearing what you think on here. So happy you liked the ‘painting’ of mine. The choccy thing actually came from something Sara said about the sunset photos I posted, and the poem just grew from there. Discussions with Sara are always intriguing for the places you end up in them are never quite where you expected when you started. Like life aren’t they ??


  6. Great words for your Friend midaevalmaiden Jo,… and I loved what you did with the image.. Great.. I also smiled as I felt a bit of an intruder as I read your banter back and forth… Great to have such a great Friend.. 🙂
    Im catching up Again………….


    1. Thanks Sue – it means a lot that you liked the poem. Love that you love the image. No intrusion – I’m sure Sara would agree. Yes you are right I am very lucky to have her friendship. It is great to see you here 🙂


    2. Hi Sue! Thanks for liking our fun. Of course, You are always welcome to join in. The more the merrier, I say. 🙂


  7. Yes I believe she likes it Jo
    and why not it is a wicked one

    I hope that you are enjoying
    your day and evening 🙂

    Androgoth XXx


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