Weekly Photo Challenge : Path

I love this weeks challenge.




My original photo…

A road in Cameroon


and from now

I just played around

The Yellow Wood Road…



To see other PATHS check out The Weekly Photo Challenge at The Daily Post.

It is where I am off to now.



  1. Cool! I like the third one the best. It looks like a watercolor, and I have an interest in trying to convert photos to look like art. Were these done in Photoshop?
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for the nice comment!


    1. Thank you – that is a great compliment – much appreciated. 🙂 I lived in Napier for a few months when I first arrived here. I liked the area a lot. 🙂


  2. These are your best photo edits yet! I think the third one looks so much an italian landscape of grape fields. The second one reminds me of old then and now pictures. Like the grounds of an old army outpost. And the fifth like England in the time of Feudalism. Its only missing the horse buggy and farmers.
    I can’t pick a favorite. Each one is a world unto itself. I would want to explore them all. Well actualy, you may guess correctly that the 4rth one catches my eye.


  3. Love the way you’ve used the editing suite, I like to dabble too and have had some interesting results. I think I like the sepia effect best – sort of like a trip back in time which is just how a visit to Africa can be. Thanks also for you nice comments on my blog!


  4. Nice path…. 🙂
    I liked the original… and the light bulbs in the background… they look awesome…
    and thanks for stopping by my blog. 🙂


    1. Thanks – I like to try out different expressions with the photos – to see what I can come up with. Yeah – the light bulbs seem to get everyone’s attention and favour. 🙂


  5. I know I’m off the ‘path’ here, but I just wanted to say that I LOVE the ‘parallel universe’ picture and your caption!


    1. Thank you – it is great to hear that. After all that is the entrance to the rest of the blog, so it is important that it really shows what both the blog and I am about. Great to get an opinion on it at last. 🙂


  6. fun, fun, fun! maybe i should add one more because you have included four images, but you get the idea. i thoroughly enjoyed your innovative approach to this week’s challenge! thanks for sharing


  7. Really like your header with the dog, too. The movement and energy, captured. Being part of the Weekly Photo Challenge I have “met” the nicest people. I appreciate your comment today. Cheers!


  8. Love the original but I also think the third one is pretty awesome too 🙂 Great photos and thank you for stopping by and checking mine out! Hehe


  9. My sea paths and Cameroon’s roads seem equally transient. How long can wood hold out against vehicles? I do miss our primitive roads on the island tho’, we used to stop and chat while trying to pass. Now it’s all asphalt and rolled up windows.


    1. Is it not true that ALL paths are transient? And yes – the old roads lent themselves to conversation much more than the smooth, slick freeways of today. rather like life itself sadly. 😦


    1. i just recently started putting my old negatives on to the computer, and fixing them up. The programme has a few other things and I enjoy playing with it to see what happens. Some things work and some things don’t but I am learning all the time so I enjoy that aspect of it. 🙂


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